Sunday, January 22, 2017

Axioms of Photography

Recent shots to assist in the understanding of camera variables.

Deep Depth

12mm | f/2.0 | ISO 1600 | 10s
Just another star photo, nothing to see here.
70mm | f/2.8 | ISO 400 | 1/80th
OS X inspirations.

Shallow Depth

56mm | f/1.2 | ISO 1000 | 1/125
Innocent Exterior, Mischievous Intentions
56mm | f/1.2 | ISO 800 | 1/180
Which was harder: pulling focus or getting him to sit still?

Frozen Motion

140mm | f/2.8 | ISO 400 | 1/110
Curious cow creeping toward me.

90mm | f/2.0 | ISO 200 | 1/125
Ducks in a row, pecking and walking.

Blurred Motion

56mm | f/2.8 | ISO 200 | 2s
Passing cars makes for a neat long exposure.
140mm | f/3.2 | ISO 200 | 1/75
Cayuga(?) duck flapping its wings. 

All photos taken within the last week (1/15 - 1/22)
Locations: Near Shivwits/Paiute reservations
                  Duck pond

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Self Portrait, or The Importance of Vanity in Creativity

56mm | f/1.2 | ISO 2500
I framed this shot and had my lovely wife release the shutter.

I genuinely wish I had an essay to back up that title.

Hi, I'm Matt Hansen. I have a passion for visual arts, writing, music and computers. Like the rest of my peers in this course, I plan on using this blog to archive not just assignments, but any content that appeals to me, especially that which pertains to photojournalism and photography in general.

I look forward to posting more frequently and seeing what the rest of the class comes up with. I don't mean for that to sound contrived, but honestly.